Friday 9 October 2015

French President Francois Hollande tells British Eurosceptics: ‘If you do not like the EU – leave!’

Francois Hollande

Francois Hollande has told Eurosceptics that if they do not like the European Union they should get out.The French President appeared to lose his cool after Nigel Farage warned the EU had gone ‘rotten’ in a fierce debate in the European Parliament.

 He told the Ukip leader: ‘There is no other way. It’s a horrible path, but it’s a logical path. Leave Europe.’

After Mr Hollande and Angela Merkel jointly ADDRESSED MEPs at the assembly in Strasbourg, Mr Farage told them the French were now ‘little more than a pipsqueak’ in a ‘totally Germany dominated Europe’.

The German Chancellor looked uncomfortable as Mr Farage went on to warn she had turned the continent into a place of ‘disharmony’ and ‘division’.

Mr Farage said 25 years ago France and Germany ‘was a partnership of equals but no longer’.

‘France is now severely diminished, trapped inside a currency from which frankly she can’t RECOVER and the French voice in this relationship and in Europe is little more now frankly than a pipsqueak,’ he said.

‘It’s an irony isn’t it, that the project that was designed to contain German power has now given us a totally German-dominated Europe.’

Mr Farage said Mrs Merkel’s move to ignore EU rules and welcome all Syrian refugees was ‘perhaps the worst piece of public policy seen in modern Europe for half a century’ and had created ‘virtually a stampede’.

‘This isn’t a Europe of peace, it’s a Europe of division, it’s a Europe of disharmony, it’s a Europe that is a recipe for resentment,’ he said.

Mr Farage continued: ‘There is I think a bright star on the horizon. It’s called the British referendum and given that none of you want to concede Britain the ability to take back control of her own borders a Brexit now looks more likely than at any point in modern time.

‘I hope and pray that Britain voting to leave the European Union will be the beginning of the end of a project, however noble its original intentions, has gone rotten. ‘

Mr Hollande responded: ‘We’ve been going through this for years. If we don’t want to strengthen Europe, then there’s only one road and I heard what Mr Farage said that the only road is for those who are not convinced of Europe is to leave Europe.

‘There is no other way. It’s a horrible path, but it’s a logical path. Leave Europe.’

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