Wednesday 14 October 2015

Don’t mix with politicians, Buratai warns soldiers


Turkur Buratai, chief of army staff, has warned his men against fraternising with politicians, threatening to deal with anyone one found wanting. Addressing officers and men of the 9 Brigade in Ikeja, Lagos, on Saturday, the number-one soldier in the country, charged them to be professional.

“Hibernating with politicians or getting involved in politics of whatever nature will not be tolerated and any officer caught, will be dealt with accordingly,” he said. “I want you to remain professional and apolitical.
We must conduct ourselves professionally and responsibly to tackle armed robbery and oil theft challenges across the country.”

Buratai asked the soldiers to embrace “espirit de corps” and be their brothers’ keepers. He also emphased the importance of collaboration among security agencies.

“You must work closely with the Nigeria police, Department of State Service, the Nigeria Immigration Service, and so on,” he said. He promised to look into administrative and welfare challenges in the army, commending the troops involved in the fight against insurgency in the north-east.

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