Tuesday 28 April 2015

Families Say Goodbye Ahead Executions In Indonesia... READ MORE


Indonesia is set to execute the nine convicts over drug charges as it jbrushes aside last-minute appeals from the Australian government whose two citizens are also going to face the firing squad. Australia submitted appeals for clemency and wants allegations of judicial graft looked into.

Meanwhile, distraught families of the Australian convicts have said their goodbyes with many relatives weeping and some collapsing out of grief. The convicts have been placed in isolation cells and were given a 72-hour notice of execution. They are held on the notorious Nusakambangan island and are expected to be executed on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. Although the Indonesian Attorney-General Muhammed Prasetyo says no date will be announced for the executions, all signs point to the convicts being executed in a matter of hours. Four of the convicts are Nigerians and it is unclear if any family member sent them goodbyes.

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